
Coronavirus Code Red

March 13, 2020
Coronavirus Code RED The State Committee has been monitoring the Coronavirus outbreak for the past few weeks. We have held discussions with the Department on the industrial issues of standing down members for self-isolation and other associated matters. That said, […]
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Special General Meetings – Results

March 12, 2020
Special General Meetings Results This week has seen over 700 members attend Special General Meetings held all around the State with the final meeting held at 97 Stn Huntingwood this afternoon.  It was great to listen to the discussion and […]
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Sitrep 12/2020

March 6, 2020
Updated SGM Agenda You can find an updated SGM Agenda here. Award Dispute The Award dispute returned to the NSW IRC Thursday 5 March 2020 and was before Chief Commissioner Constant at 11 am, where we provided an update on […]
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Sitrep 11

March 4, 2020
March Sgm Agenda amendment We asked FRNSW to confirm by 12pm Wednesday, 4 March 2020, their final position on your 2.5% wage increase being backdated to 17 February 2020 regardless of when the Awards are finalised. The deadline to resolve […]
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March 2020 Sgms

March 2, 2020
March 2020 SGM Meeting Details The first Special General Meeting will be held at 0930am Thursday, 5 March at Parramatta Fire Station, 110 Wigram St Harris Park to vote on the proposed 2020 Permanent, Retained and Death and Disability awards. […]
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Sitrep 10

February 28, 2020
2019/20 Bushfire Inquiries As most members would know there has been a number of inquiries created as well as the first National Royal Commission into bushfires. We will be joining forces with other firefighter unions from across Australia in preparing […]
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Sitrep 9/2020

February 28, 2020
Rule 34 Sub Committee report on allegations from SGM The State Committee has endorsed the report and recommendations of the sub-committee formed under rule 34, to investigate three allegations that were brought by two Sub-Branches, namely the Illawarra and Sydney […]
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Sitrep 8/2020

February 27, 2020
Note added 28/02: There is additional and updated information in SitRep 10 – please also see SitRep 10. Award Update As you know, initial Award negotiations with FRNSW commenced in October 2019, giving us a tight window to try and […]
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Sitrep 7/2020

February 21, 2020
Award Update May Day T-Shirt Design Competition closes Feb 28! Delegate training up and running. Terms of Reference for Bushfire Royal Commission Announced Award Update  As discussed in the last Sitrep, we met for the last time with FRNSW regarding […]
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