
Merseyside Firefighters Strike-more Strike Dates Announced

September 8, 2006
Members will be aware that Merseyside Fire Brigades Union comrades have been on strike for the last week or so, after their bosses asserted what they claim is managerial prerogative to sack over 120 firefighters, de-staff 4 pumpers and introduce […]
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Round One To The Department

September 5, 2006
This weeks water tanker dispute has been a bruising affair for the FBEU and for the Departments bottom line with close to $250 000 worth of overtime now lost forever in a pointless attempt to undermine the Unions proposal for […]
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Relieving Bans Lifted At Midday Today

September 5, 2006
Following proceedings before the Industrial Relations Commission yesterday afternoon and again this morning this morning, the Union has agreed to lift the relieving bans that were imposed at 1800 hours last Friday, 1 September.
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Water Guarantees

September 1, 2006
After a three year delay, Minister for Water has finally pulled his finger out and given us a guarantee that recycled water at Bluescope Port Kembla is safe.
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Merseyside Firefighters Strike

August 30, 2006
Some members may be aware that Fire Brigades Union comrades in the Merseyside fire and rescue service in the UK have been fighting retrenchments. Following the collapse of negotiations, Merseyside fire crews have voted in favour of strike action over […]
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Water Tanker Not To Be Removed From Penrith And Dunheved

August 23, 2006
The Department has sought today to unilaterally and without consultation remove Water Tanker appliances from Penrith and Dunheved Fire Stations.
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Meal Reports Banned

August 11, 2006
A memo was circulated to W6 Station Commanders recently by management regarding the payment of meal and refreshment allowances. Not only did it contain highly offensive language it also implied a member could be open to disciplinary action for making […]
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The Department – Slow Learners Or Bad Managers?

August 11, 2006
It emerged this week that the Department has recently conducted a training exercise on ANOTHER HIGHLY CONTAMINATED EX DEFENCE SITE and was planning to conduct further training at the site (ex Navy submarine depot, HMAS Platypus at Neutral Bay). According […]
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Asbestos Screening Update

August 4, 2006
Further meetings between the Union, Department and the Dust Diseases Board (DDB) have been held to implement the four point plan that was thrashed out between the Union and Department (see our Notice dated 21 July 2006). The DDB is […]
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