
Award Negotiations Update #5

February 26, 2000
Members would be aware that last Thursday, 24 February was the date scheduled for the conclusion of Award negotiations. It was also the day on which the second $350 payment was to be made. Neither occurred.
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Award Negotiations Update #4

February 25, 2000
Members would be aware that yesterday, 24 February was the date scheduled for the conclusion of Award negotiations. It was also the day on which the second $350 payment was to be made. Neither occurred.
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Award Negotiations Update #3

February 18, 2000
In Update #2 we reported that we were hopeful agreement for a new Award would be reached by the target date of 24 February. Regrettably, the chances of this now happening appear to be slim. The 2nd $350 payment was […]
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Award Negotiations Update #2

February 3, 2000
Negotiations have continued between the Union and Department, with meetings being held on January 10, 12, 13, 19, 28 and again yesterday, February 2. Considerable progress is being made and both parties are confident of reaching agreement on a new […]
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Superannuation Conversion Offer

January 20, 2000
Last year the Union issued three notices concerning the Carr Government’s proposal to lure members off the “old” State Super Fund (SSF) and into the “new” First State Super Fund (FSS). (See notices dated Tuesday February 2 “Why Your Future […]
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Award Negotiations Update

January 1, 2000
The “framework agreement” between our Union and the Government on 15 December was meant to produce a number of outcomes including the start of award negotiations, the production of the Department’s award counter claim within 2 weeks and the 1st […]
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1999 Retained Award Claim

December 24, 1999
As members would be aware, the 1997 Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Retained Firefighting Staff) Award – otherwise know as the retained Award – expired 30/09/99.
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Commissioner Cancels Xmas

December 24, 1999
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Christmas Closure Of Union Office

December 24, 1999
Union Office Christmas/New Year Shutdown The Union Office will close for its annual Christmas/New Year break at midday today, Friday 24 December and resume operations on Tuesday 4 January.
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