
D&d Dispute Update #4

July 29, 1999
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Media Release – Strike In The Balance

July 29, 1999
FIREFIGHTERS’ STRIKE IN THE BALANCE The Fire Brigade Employees’ Union today said that the firefighters’ industrial action scheduled to commence this Sunday, August 1 is hanging in the balance following the failure of talks with the Government yesterday.
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Ignore The In Orders!

July 27, 1999
Members are hereby instructed to disregard today’s special In Orders 1999/16 concerning the industrial dispute. Accordingly, all members should continue to observe all existing Award conditions, including current rosters, stations and platoons until advised otherwise by the Union.
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D&d Update #3 – Rsb Notice

July 21, 1999
Retained Members Not Forgotten Many retained members have contacted the Union regarding the Death and Disability (D&D) dispute and the foreshadowed industrial action by permanents over the inferior D&D benefits provided under the SASS and FSS super schemes (for more […]
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D&d Dispute Update #2

July 19, 1999
Important information re this Friday’s SGM The elected officials of our Union’s State Committee of Management held a special meeting last Friday to consider the progress of the death and disability dispute.
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1999 July Special General Meeting

July 8, 1999
A Special General Meeting of the Union is to be held in accordance with Rule 11, the details of which are as follows: Friday 23rd July, 1999 Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street, Sydney. 1000 hours (day section) 1900 hours (night […]
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Reporting System Banned

July 7, 1999
Recent changes to Departmental and divisional reporting systems have been cited as the reason for senior management seeking information from Station Officers about a range of activities. These activities include: FireEd, Public Education, Displays, Brigade Exercises, Hydrant Inspections and Pre […]
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D&d Dispute – Negotiations Going Nowhere

July 7, 1999
Our Union met again last week with representatives from the NSW Premier’s Department and the Fire Brigades to continue firefighter death and disability (D&D) negotiations. In short there was no progress made at that, our 3rd meeting.
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Reporting System Banned

July 7, 1999
Instruction to All Members Recent changes to Departmental and divisional reporting systems have been cited as the reason for senior management seeking information from Station Officers about a range of activities.
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