
1998 Urgent Special General Meeting

June 18, 1998
Members are hereby advised that in accordance with Rule 11, a Special General Meeting of members shall be held in two parts to consider the questions set out below. Details of the meeting, which is to be held in two […]
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Ban On Acting Down

June 16, 1998
Members at 63 Station Blacktown have informed the Union of a recent incident whereby a Station Officer acted down in order to fill a firefighter’s operational role.
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Clarification Of Agreed Duties

June 10, 1998
It would appear that many members remain uncertain as to exactly what new roles and responsibilities arising from the 1997 Award have been agreed to by our Union, and therefore, exactly what work should and should not be performed by […]
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Fbeu Policy Re Rfs/nswfb Joint Training

May 15, 1998
Members would be aware of the Minister’s previous direction that “the two services should compliment each other, not compete”. However, many RFS Brigades continue to operate CABA, urban pumping appliances and other structural offensive firefighting equipment either within or very […]
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Nz Fire Bosses Out Of Control

May 13, 1998
I write further to Monday’s notice advising that NZ Fire Service management had written to each of the 1700 professional firefighters last Thursday telling them they had been sacked. Not surprisingly, the NZ Professional Firefighters Union (NZPFU) was not very […]
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Urgent!!!! All Nz Firefighters To Be Sacked

May 11, 1998
In the most concerted attack ever on professional firefighters, New Zealand Fire Service management has announced that every professional firefighter will be sacked by July, and replaced by new “Fire Officer” positions. The ‘dis-established’ firefighters will have to compete for […]
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Acting Up Clarification

May 11, 1998
The Union has become aware of a Memorandum from the Deputy Manager Operational Personnel, dated 8 April 1998, concerning Leading Firefighters acting up to Station Officer.  The following part of that Memorandum is WRONG: “There is no limit to the […]
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Department Cancels Usar Course

May 6, 1998
The Union has today learnt that the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) course scheduled to commence next Monday May 11 has been cancelled by the Department.
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Drager Bg 174 Developments

April 28, 1998
For several years now, the Department has sought to remove the Drager BG 174 O2BA sets from service. Not because they weren’t needed, not because of concerns for employee safety, not because spare parts were no longer available and not […]
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