
Rescue Sub-committee Meeting

April 21, 1998
To all Station Delegates and Members – Rescue Stations: You are invited to attend the inaugural meeting of the Union’s Rescue Sub-Committee to be held –
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Defend The Mua – Defend Yourself

April 21, 1998
Last week Mr Mark Paterson, Executive Director of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (a large bosses’ union), had this to say when asked whether other employers should be encouraged by Patrick’s tactics in sacking a unionised workforce which […]
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Letter To Delegates Re Waterfront Dispute

April 21, 1998
Dear Comrade, Over the last week or so, the Union has attempted to visit as many member stations/workplaces as possible in order to explain and discuss the waterfront dispute. We have managed to make around 50 or so such visits, […]
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Maritime Dispute Union Instruction

April 9, 1998
Members would be aware that Patrick Stevedores, backed by the Howard Government, yesterday sacked each and every one of its 1400 employees around the nation without notice. Why? Because they are members of a union who have defended their democratic […]
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Update On 45 Tanker Destaffing

March 24, 1998
The Union has indicated its agreement that the destaffing of water tankers may commence as of 0800 hours this Friday September 25, subject to a number of conditions. In the case of the tankers at Miranda and Liverpool, this agreement […]
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Unit Trainers

March 24, 1998
Members would be aware of recent instances where members with expertise in BA/HAZMAT have been asked to provide training to other firefighters.
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The Truth About The Maritime Dispute

March 17, 1998
THE REALITY Laurie Oakes of the Bulletin reports: “The Government has never been interested in genuine talks with the MUA about improving productivity on the waterfront…. The aim was to create a public issue where the Government could be seen […]
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Station Delegates’ Meetings – April ‘98

March 16, 1998
Station Delegates are invited to attend either of the following Union meetings to be briefed upon, consider and discuss current industrial issues;
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Maintenance Of Fby 807

March 11, 1998
Members attached to No. 24 Station would be aware that Departmental management have crticised firefighting staff for the apparently poor state of repair of 24’s turntable ladders. The offending report reads that “it appears that lack of routine in-station preventative […]
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