
Sitrep 27/2022

May 13, 2022
FLOOD DEPLOYMENT OVERPAYMENTS Following on from our previous SitReps, the FBEU can advise that FRNSW have agreed to put a hold on the recovery of overpayments relating to the recent deployments to the floods. FRNSW is currently considering a position […]
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Sitrep 26/2022

May 6, 2022
FBEU meet with Emergency Services and Resilience Minister  Yesterday the Union met with the Minister to progress discussions and advocacy on behalf of Members. The FBEU has made clear that the escalating neglect of Professional Firefighters in NSW is now […]
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Sitrep 25/2022

May 5, 2022
Beyond Negligent – Firefighters at risk  The FBEU write to report of a notifiable incident involving a Member who was electrocuted in station after engaging a light switch, resulting in the attendance of NSW Ambulance. The Union can report that […]
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Sitrep 24/2022

May 3, 2022
May Day 2022 Thank you to all Members who participated in this year’s May Day which ran across Wollongong, Newcastle, Coffs Harbour, and Sydney. After another difficult year in a global pandemic, it has been great to see Members and […]
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Sitrep 23/2022

April 29, 2022
May Day 2022 Reminder and RSVP links  May Day is this Saturday and Sunday, and we encourage all Members and their families to attend what is a great day of solidarity across our movement. Staff, SCoM-Reps, and Members are organising […]
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Sitrep 22/2022

April 20, 2022
Premier & Health Minister flag changes around COVID settings The FBEU are aware of an announcement made today concerning changes to NSW Health Orders and Guidelines, including those relating to vaccine mandates for ‘key workforces’ in NSW. A press release made by […]
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Sitrep 21/2022

April 14, 2022
Budget Estimates Continued…FRNSW Stations Just ‘Bricks and Mortar’ As noted in last week’s Sitrep, Members are now aware that FRNSW have engaged consultative firm KPMG, presumably at a significant cost, on a number of projects including some which would see […]
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Sitrep 20/2022

April 12, 2022
FIX OUR FIRE SERVICE: HOW F*CKED IS YOUR TRUCK AUDIT Successive budget cuts and poor planning has seen FRNSW make decisions based on $$$ rather than best practice, resulting in a ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’ mentality, with greater risks […]
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Sitrep 19/2022

April 8, 2022
Budget Estimates – Consultants over Consultation  On Tuesday the new Emergency Services Minister, Steph Cooke, and Acting FRNSW Commissioner Stifler attended the Budget Estimates inquiry to answer questions about FRNSW expenditure, performance and effectiveness.  ­ Budget estimates are a key process […]
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