
2009 Sopp

February 22, 2009
2009 Station Officers’ Promotional Program Recently the Union has received a number of complaints that the Department has been informing members who ask that the 2009 Station Officer Promotion Program has been delayed because of ongoing discussions with the Union […]
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Funeral Firefighter David Balfour

February 20, 2009
The recent tragic death of firefighter David Balfour whilst fighting the Victorian bushfires has deeply touched firefighters across the country. David’s death is believed to be the first death on duty of a member of the ACT Fire Brigades. His […]
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Vale Senior Firefighter Dave Balfour

February 18, 2009
The catastrophic Victorian bushfire disaster was driven home to all in the most tragic way last night when senior firefighter (qualified) David Balfour from the Gilmour brigade in the ACT was killed on the fireground.
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Four-hour Minimum Recall Back Pay Claims

February 13, 2009
Despite the Union first winning this matter in the Industrial Relations Commission in June 2007 and then again on appeal and again on a second appeal some five and a half months ago, the Department still does not agree on […]
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Leave Audit Dispute Settled

February 5, 2009
In today’s hearing in the Industrial Relations Commission, the Union and Department reached agreement that there will be no deductions from members’ leave records for any errors that occurred prior to 1 January 2003. Members who have been advised that […]
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Risk Assessment Trial

February 3, 2009
It seems with every new year there is a renewed attempt to change the currently agreed arrangement for fire ground risk assessments. This latest trial from the Health and Safety Branch (H&SB) not only reintroduces the issue of recording risk […]
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Petrol Driven Inter’s Banned

February 3, 2009
The concept of gassing workers is not one normally associated with good industrial relations and in fact went out of fashion shortly after the First World War when thousands of troops returned from the trenches of Europe. Lungs, throats and […]
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Fire Ground Health And Fitness Testing And Al Audit Update

January 30, 2009
Fire ground Health and Fitness testing This week the Department stood down two members following health checks conducted on the fireground. Whilst in the past ambulance officers have provided members with advice about taking rest breaks during incidents, never has […]
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Leave Audit

January 29, 2009
The Union has today written to the Department setting out its position regarding the current Leave Audit, which the Department claims has resulted in permanent firefighters being credited with an additional 39,129 hours of leave and debited 46,421 hours from […]
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