The Australian Electoral Commission’s Returning Officer has today formally declared the final result of our Union’s elections for the term 2009-2012. There were 6108 ballot papers issued and 1957 returned, 1918 being formal (31%).
All Permanent and Retained members wages will now increase by 4% along with most but not all allowances. These increase will be delivered to members pay packets despite claims from the Government that public sector Unions had been negotiating a […]
This afternoon the NSW government released its budget for the 2009/10 financial year, a budget that has been framed around a global collapse in stock markets and a massive reduction in income for our employer. The budget has projected a […]
Due to concerns raised by FBEU members, when a retained brigade is taken offline, all adjoining brigades will be notified by Communications Centers as and when this occurs.
Fifty angry firefighters, both Permanent and Retained, turned up for a Newcastle sub-branch meeting on Thursday evening last week to talk about shutting brigades throughout NSW.
The result of the Union’s 2009 ballot for a new State Committee of Management has been delayed until June 23rd 2009. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
Last night in Warners Bay sixty local permanent and retained firefighters became the center of attention as they marched on a NSW Government Community Cabinet meeting. They demanded the
All members, retained and permanent, are required to attend a Union rally to protest against the NSW government policy of closing retained fire stations across the state.