It is deeply disappointing that the Commissioner yesterday chose to attack the Union’s officials rather than to address the real issue in question, which is the employer’s continued refusal to recognise any of your new roles or responsibilities during these negotiations.
2003 Annual General Meeting Senior Officers - The Senior Officers' Sub-Branch will meet at the Main Conference Room, Greenacre commencing at 1900 hours on Thursday 4 December. Newcastle - The Newcastle Sub-Branch will meet at No. 260 Station, Newcastle commencing 1000 hours [...]
The new Communications SOGS which were orginally scheduled to be introduced on Sunday 12 November, but were deferred until 0800 hrs tomorrow, Sunday 30 November have been banned by the Union, effective immediately.
The Department this week instructed Station Officers and Captains to arrange for the servicing of positive pressure ventilators (PPVs) annually, with the first such service to “take place as soon as practicable”.
Whilst our negotiations had progressed (albeit slowly) over the last fortnight, they took a decided turn for the worse this week when the Government confirmed its offer to be a firm, flat 3% per annum over the life of a […]
Reframing Responsibility: the insurance industry’s attempt to “free-ride” on NSW taxpayers FBEU submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Fire Service Funding
Inside this notice: Award negotiations begin Senior firefighters eligbility to sit SOPP Salary Sacrifice – Stargarden claims another victim Breakfast allowance dispute Inspectors acting up to Superintendent Eligibility for Rescue Allowance Rank Insignia – Higher Duties and the Crown Policy […]
It has come to the attention of the Union that the Department are cynically manipulating the Award provisions relating to the transport of members gear back to their base station when they do a recall to Picton.