
D&d Dispute Update – Members Stop Work

February 27, 2003

At 1300 hours today, our Union commenced rolling strike action to force the settlement of our never-ending D&D Dispute prior to the State Election on 22 March. 

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No War On Iraq?

February 18, 2003

Several members have written and/or called over the last week to protest the State Committee’s stance against the looming war on Iraq. Reflecting most of the objecting members’ concerns was this line from one: “It disturbs me that the union […]

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No Blood For Oil – Protest This Sunday, 16 February

February 11, 2003

This coming Sunday 16th of February is an international day of action against the coming war in Iraq. More than ten million people around the world are expected to march in protest.

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Lowering Flags: Commemorating Firefighters

February 11, 2003

The FBEU joins all trade unions in NSW in declaring today Unions Work for Peace Day.

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D&d Dispute Update

February 7, 2003

The parties returned to the IRC on Monday 3 February to report back on our progress with the finalisation of arrangements for the new D&D scheme. With the majority of the scheme’s details now sorted, the primary issue outstanding (which […]

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No. 1 Stn, City Of Sydney – Transfer To New Station

February 5, 2003

All members at City of Sydney are hereby instructed that they are NOT to move into the new part of the station until such time as a majority of members on ALL shifts are satisfied that ALL work promised for the new station has been completed – and completed to a satisfactory standard.

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Xmas Message And Office Shutdown

December 24, 2002

The Union Office will close for its annual Christmas/New Year break at midday today, Tuesday 24 December and resume operations on Thursday 2 January.

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General Update December

December 20, 2002

Inside this issue: D&D dispute update Meals and allowances Recalls over the Xmas/New Year period Union bans lifted Nurses 6% wage rise

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Pop-stars And Media Moths

December 19, 2002

The following article concerning the RFS Commissioner appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald’s “Bushfires, Your safety guide” today, Thursday 19 December 2002.

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Uk: Blair Gives Modernity A Bad Name

December 5, 2002

The government needs to settle the fire strikes as much as the FBU Seumas Milne The Guardian Thursday December 5, 2002

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2002 Agm Details

December 5, 2002

Sydney – The Sydney AGM will be held at Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street Sydney, commencing at 9.00am on Thursday 12 December.

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Rfsa Call Is A Diversion

November 21, 2002

Bogus RFSA yelps over Union Code 2 notice The Rural Fire Service Association – the unrepresentative lackeys of Rosehill – this week issued a media release attacking your Union’s 7 week old direction to no longer accept Code 2’s from […]

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