
Uk: Labour’s Burning

November 16, 2002

John O’Farrell Saturday November 16, 2002 The Guardian

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Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics

November 16, 2002

A survey of citizens’ opinions on the national firefighters’ strike appeared in the UK’s The Timestoday. The subtle yet deliberate wording chosen reveals just how parochial the “independent” press can be.

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Uk: Fbeu Letter Of Support

November 15, 2002

“On behalf of the professional firefighters of NSW I convey our Union’s full and unqualified support for the FBU’s current struggle for wage justice and trade union rights.”

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Uk Update, 2002 Agm Agenda And Meals & Refreshments

November 12, 2002

UK firefighters – National strike certain British firefighters are almost certain to walk out for 48 hours from tomorrow night after the “independent” review into their wages and conditions yesterday handed down an interim report which could only be described […]

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Srafs Dispute

November 12, 2002

Instruction to all FBEU members, State Rail Authority Fire Service I refer to the direction from State Rail management that SRAFS “staff are not to be exposed to situations and conditions where they are required to wear such protective equipment” […]

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Uk: There’s A Feeling That We’re Not Valued At All

November 12, 2002

On blue watch, officers are angry at the ‘derisory’ offer Owen Bowcott Tuesday November 12, 2002 The Guardian

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Wto Protest This Thursday

November 11, 2002

Fair trade, not free trade – Say NO to the WTO 

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November Update

November 1, 2002

In this notice: D&D update Industrial dispute – who’s to blame? Meals and Refreshments Briefly…

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Uk: National Strike To Begin Tuesday

October 26, 2002

The UK Fire Brigade Union’s (FBU) 52,000 members this month voted 9 to 1 vote in favour of national strike action in support of their claim for a 40 per cent pay rise which would take their basic salary from […]

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Uk: Dispute As Much Political As Industrial

October 24, 2002

The spirit of the narks The government’s denunciation of the firefighters has echoes of a murky industrial past, writes Seumas Milne The Guardian, Thursday October 24, 2002

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Uk: Blair Takes On The Fbu

October 22, 2002

By picking a fight with the FBU, Blair has opened a dangerous front By George Galloway The Guardian, Tuesday October 22, 2002

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Rfs Code 2 No More

October 4, 2002

For almost as long as the now well out of date Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Rural Fire Service has existed the Union has fielded a glut of calls from members deeply disturbed about the manner in which it, […]

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