
Country Sub Branch Introduction

October 2, 1996

Dear Comrade,

Please find attached a letter of introduction from your recently elected Sub-Branch Secretary on behalf of your Country Sub-Branch Executive Committee. The new Sub-Branch is part of the State Committee of Management’s (formerly State Council) intention to broaden and devolve the Union, thereby becoming more responsive to the wishes of all members.

The Country Sub-Branch replaces the former Albury, Wagga and Broken Hill Sub-Branches, and affords Sub-Branch representation to country S/O’s, RTO’s, Katoomba and Lismore members for the first time. The Sub-Branch exists to advise State Committee on the needs of country permanent members, and affords a voice within the Union to you and your colleagues. Try to both approach and support your Regional representative and/or Station Delegate first – they’re only there to help. If a matter is complex then the Union office will as always provide the necessary support, just as the Union office and State Committee will now be seeking the advice of your Sub-Branch Executive on all country member issues.

With country-specific issues, the Sub-Branch Executive Committee will act on behalf of rank and file country members just as the State Committee of Management acts on behalf of all members, subject to the wishes of the rank and file through Sub-Branch meetings. I am sure you appreciate the difficulties in holding Sub-Branch meetings, however in time it is hoped that the new Sub-Branch will allow you to participate in and vote upon resolutions before General Meetings in Sydney, and to participate directly through quarterly Regional meetings of the Sub-Branch itself. The Union office and your Executive are currently working on ways to make this a reality.

As a new concept, the Sub-Branch will likely experience some teething problems however given the support of all members, I have no doubt that your new Executive and your Sub-Branch will move from strength to strength by providing a united voice for permanent members serving outside Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong.

Yours fraternally,

Chris Read

State Secretary



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