1997 Annual General Meeting Agenda
December 1, 1997
Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street, Sydney
1000 hours, Friday 5th December, 1997
“That the apologies as received be accepted.”
“That the minutes of the 1996 Annual General Meeting, held 22nd November 1996, Trades Hall, Goulburn Street Sydney be adopted”
“That the State Secretary’s Annual Report be received.”
“That the State Secretary’s Annual Report be adopted.”
“That in accordance with Rule 18(7), this meeting endorses the payment of the President’s annual honorarium, as adjusted by industry wage movements, of $1630.”
“That in accordance with Rule 22(7), this meeting endorses the payment of the Returning Officer’s annual honorarium, as adjusted by industry wage movements, of $260.”
“That in accordance with Rule 22(1), this meeting appoints Comrade D. Honan as Returning Officer for the coming year and until the Union’s 1998 Annual General Meeting.”
Station Officers’ Examination & Promotion List
“That this meeting believes that successful Station Officers’ Examination candidates should, in accordance with Clause 13.9.2 of the Award, be listed for promotion in such order that a candidate with 1 post could not be overtaken on the merit list by a candidate with either 2 or 3 posts, and that a candidate with 2 posts could not be overtaken by a candidate with 3 posts. Further, this meeting condemns the Department for its failure to rectify the inequitable method of determining merit for the SO’s post exam, despite several earlier approaches from the Union to do so. Accordingly, this meeting authorises the Union to take steps to overturn the Department’s merit mechanism in favour of the Union’s proposal, which if successful, will result in a new merit list being published.”
Central Coast Transfers
“That the mechanism for transfer to the Central Coast area, being that as endorsed by the rank and file at General Meetings held to consider the negotiated position for the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 1997 and as prescribed by that Award at Clause 28, be deferred only for so long as the first substantive transfers to the Wyong Shire area have been actioned, but in any event no longer than 30 June 1998, after which the Central Coast transfer list shall operate in accordance with the Award. Selection for these first transfers to the Wyong Shire area shall be on the basis of competitive merit selection of all applicants, but shall not affect the usual transfer of members to the Gosford Council area which shall continue in accordance with the Award.”
Industry OH&S Committees
“That this meeting authorises the Union’s officials to continue with negotiations on behalf of the membership in order to establish a Health and Safety agreement for the size, distribution and composition of OH&S Committees within the NSWFB. Consequently, this meeting also authorises the extension of the existing Committees’ terms for a further 6 months.”
Firefighter Health and Fitness
“That this meeting endorses and encourages the promotion of a voluntarily healthy and fit workforce within the NSWFB. However, this meeting notes that few if any other workers are required to maintain any standard of health or fitness in order to retain their employment, and resolves that this Union should continue to resist the introduction of a compulsory fitness standard or fitness assessment for the firefighting industry prior to the introduction of appropriate financial protection and compensation for members who, for whatever reason, may not be able meet such a standard.”
Redistribution of Water Tankers
“That this meeting notes the 4th water tanker’s redistribution, being part of the 1997 Award’s commitments for the August 1997 increases, has not as yet occurred due to delays on behalf of the Department and NSW Government. However, this meeting now authorises the Union’s State Committee of Management to release further water tankers subject to negotiations within the parameters that all 8 staff positions presently allocated to any water tanker (plus additional relief positions) are to be immediately matched with a further 8 newly established positions (plus additional relief positions) fully funded by the employer, and that all of these positions are to be immediately re-assigned to new substantive positions not previoulsy having permanent firefighting staff. Further, that the Union’s officers are to undertake full consultation with all members affected by such releases prior to agreement being reached with the employer.”
Fire Service Funding – Local Government
“That this meeting considers Local Government’s ongoing financial contribution to the New South Wales Fire Brigades (as required under the Fire Brigades Act 1989) to be irrational, inequitable and ultimately contrary to the public interest with regard to fire service management within this State. Whilst it is appropriate that Local Government continues to maintain a close funding and organisational association with locally organised volunteer fire services, the levying of Local Government for the provision of the State’s professional fire and emergency services should immediately cease, with the resulting shortfall being met instead by the State Government (18%) and the Insurance Industry (82%).”
Chris Read
State Secretary
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