
Sub-branch Election Results

June 24, 2002

Following below are the results of the Union’s triennial elections for Sub-Branch Committeepersons for the term 2002-2005, as declared by the Returning Officer on Thursday 30 May.

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D&d – Is It Sorted?

June 24, 2002

Two weeks later and this, comrades, is still the (multi) million dollar question. From our perspective, a clear answer was given by the Union members who attended our Special General Meetings which were held across the state between the 4th […]

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D&d Settlement Explained (pt 5)

June 12, 2002

Firefighters’ Health and Fitness Program Without doubt, the most controversial component of the proposed D&D settlement is the agreement for a compulsory health and fitness program for all firefighters. Several members have pointed out that the Union’s officials (and myself […]

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Report On Public Sector Super

June 10, 2002

If there is one thing that is by now abundantly clear to everyone, it’s that superannuation is an extremely complex issue. Of course public sector superannuation is no different.

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D&d Settlement Explained (pt 4)

June 7, 2002

First State Super members First State Super (aka “the new scheme”, or FSS) has operated since December 1992. Permanent firefighters who have joined the Brigades since that time, and all retained firefighters are in the FSS scheme, save for the […]

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D&d Settlement Explained (pt 3)

June 6, 2002

Options for SASS members The State Authorities Superannuation Scheme (aka “the middle scheme”, or SASS) operated between July 1985 and December 1992, when it was replaced by FSS. Only permanent firefighters who joined the Brigades in that period were eligible […]

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D&d Heads Of Agreement

June 5, 2002

The document which follows below is, word for word, a copy of the agreement reached between the Union’s negotiators and the NSW Government last Friday, 31 May.

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D&d Settlement Explained (pt 2)

June 4, 2002

Rehabilitation and retraining for permanent firefighters Some permanent members have expressed concern over the rehabilitation/retraining program in the proposed D&D settlement. In particular, members have questioned the likelihood of the Department finding additional alternative duties jobs for permanently incapacitated members […]

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D&d Special General Meetings

June 3, 2002

As previously advised, Special General Meetings will now be held over the coming fortnight to brief all Union members, both permanent and retained, on the details of the proposed settlement, and to allow those members present to vote to accept […]

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D&d Settlement Explained (pt 1)

June 1, 2002

The joint NSWFB/FBEU statement issued yesterday was only a very brief summary of what is clearly a complex agreement. It’s understandable that many members might be confused by that, however the only real way to answer all members’ questions and […]

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D&d Update – Agreement Reached

May 31, 2002

Following almost 5 years of open disputation, in-principle agreement was today reached between the NSW Government and the FBEU’s officials for new death and disability arrangements for all (non-SSF) NSWFB firefighters. The joint statement which follows is an agreed summary […]

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D&d Update: Agreement Near

May 30, 2002

We are pleased to report that negotiations held throughout this week between the Union’s negotiating team and the Government today reached the point where in-principle agreement for new D&D benefits for our members, both permanent and retained, has been all […]

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