The Department recently indicated to members occupying specialist duties positions their intention to reduce the number of specialist duties secondment positions by 30%.
As a result of concerns in relation to the safety and reliability of the ‘Ladders’ at Stn. 260 Newcastle, the Union issues the following instruction to all members;
The Sub Branch Executive is receiving many enquiries regarding the status of the dispute over the provision of adequate accommodation at the Eastwood Corrective Services Academy.
The Sub Branch Executive is receiving many enquiries regarding the status of the dispute over the provision of adequate accommodation at the Eastwood Corrective Services Academy.
The Union has been informed by members at Rescue Monitor Stations that there is some confusion by management over the staffing requirements for these appliances.
Eastwood Training Facility Accommodation / Meals – Banned
October 14, 1996
Following concerns raised by many members, the Union’s State Committee of Management has considered the question of the acceptability of the accommodation and meals at the Eastwood training facility.
Unions representing members employed in the NSW Public Sector recently won adjustments, increasing the rates in the Crown Employees (Travelling Compensation) Award.
Delegates Meeting Award Negotiation Developments And Strategy
October 8, 1996
The Union is holding a meeting of Station Delegates to discuss developments in the negotiation of the permanents award and a strategy for rank and file involvement to be considered at the upcoming AGM.