
Us Supreme Court Rules Guantanamo Bay Illegal

July 7, 2006

The trade union movement is now putting its weight behind the right of Australian citizen David Hicks to a free and fair trial after the US Supreme Court last week ruled that the Guantanamo Bay maximum security prison is unconstitutional […]

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Unjust And Unfair – Howard Sues Building Workers

July 7, 2006

A union-busting test case is currently before the Federal Court in Western Australia after building workers attached to the $1.5 Billion Perth to Mandurah “cross city tunnel” project walked off the job to support a sacked shop steward. The workers […]

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Vale Comrade John Wright

June 30, 2006

We regret to report that former FBEU official and Life Member, John Wright passed away this morning.

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Hundreds March Against Howard Government Laws

June 30, 2006

In the very same week that the federal government recommended a 7% pay rise for itself, outrage against its new labour laws has seen unprecedented rallies and protests all over the country.

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Sydney South Sub-branch: Yraw Rally

June 23, 2006

YOUR RIGHTS AT WORK RALLY – 28 JUNE 2006 Members residing in the GSA would have recently received a letter from the union informing them of the ACTU rally on the 28 June.

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It’s Time To Step Up

June 22, 2006

The Australian Trade Union movement has called a series of mass rallies, protests and strikes across the country on the 28th June 2006.

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2006 Union Elections Declared

May 11, 2006

The Australian Electoral Commission has this morning formally declared the final results for the Union’s 2006 triennial elections, and rank and file firies have voted overwhelmingly for a change in the Union’s leadership (only five of the fourteen previous officials […]

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Elections And May Day 2006

May 5, 2006

Inside this notice: Elections – Ballot Closes 5pm this Monday 8 May May Day March this Sunday

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Lucas Heights Responses

May 5, 2006

The twentieth anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster is being honoured by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) through drastically reduced OH&S conditions, of not only its own employees, but those of firefighters responding to the Lucas Heights Nuclear […]

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April 2006 General Update

April 21, 2006

Inside this notice: Union elections 2006 – 2009 Permanent Award variations D&D Award 2006 update Missing QF modules now available IPP “Projects” Workchoices threat to retained firefighters Offer of private health cover options

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May Day 2006

April 13, 2006

The 2006 May Day celebrations are being held on Sunday, 7 May, and all FBEU members are again invited and encouraged to attend. Free T-shirts, a BBQ lunch and a few afternoon drinks will be provided for members and their […]

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Ipp “projects”

April 12, 2006

We’ve heard that members undertaking the Inspector’s Promotional Program are being directed to come up with ideas that subvert our Awards as part of a course project, and then encouraged to implement these projects when they get out in the […]

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