
Putting The Liberals Last

An article appeared on the front page of today’s Australian newspaper headed “Fireys’ union axes ALP, backs Greens” which opened with the line ‘THE firefighters’ union has broken ranks with…

Xmas Pays

The Department has written to the Union informing us that due to the Xmas/New Year period falling at a critical time in the pay week cycle this year it is…

Your Helmet – Your Union

Following a series of very intense discussions between the Department and the Union over the rights of members to place FBEU logos on the backs of helmets, agreement has now…


As a result of an agreement between the Department and the Union hammered out at this weeks Training Review Committee meeting, Qualified Firefighters are again able to access the OTEN…

Short changed by $500 000

After numerous meetings, the exchange of correspondence and the listing of a dispute by the Union to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, the Department has finally succumbed to its obligation…

Using Pumpers Off Road

No member is to take an urban appliance be it a pumper, ladders or a platform off road in order to deal with fires that require a four wheel drive…

Relieving Bans to commence at 1800 hrs

Despite repeated requests over the last five weeks, and direct discussions with Commissioner Mullins as late as today, the Department has again refused to answer fundamental questions which go the…

CFBT Bans Lifted

On the 13th of October last year the Union imposed bans on members participating in Compartment Fire Behaviour Training (CFBT) after concerns were raised that the fuel used in the…

EPIP and iZone

Following negotiations between the Union and the Department over improvements to the manner in which members can store, archive and retrieve Pre Incident Plan’s (PIP’s). The Union’s State Committee has…