
Recall to maintain required staffing levels (clause 9.6.1)

Earlier this week the Union received a petition in accordance with Rule 11 calling for a Special General Meeting of members to consider the following. That: the N.S.W. Fire Brigade…

Union Office Relocating

After 27 years in the same Sussex Street premises the FBEU is moving to newer larger and more useful premises at Number 1 Belmore Street Surry Hills. In order to…

Bushfire Danger period commences -All tankers must now be staffed 24/7

With the commencement of the 07/08 Bushfire Danger period, the Union reminds all members of the water tanker staffing agreement with the Department. This agreement (which arose from the 2000…

Bushfire Danger period commences -All tankers to be staffed 24/7

With the commencement of the 07/08 Bushfire Danger period, the Union reminds all members of the water tanker staffing agreement with the Department. This agreement (which arose from the 2000…

FBEU Country Sub Branch

The two vacancies have finally been filled. In February Comrades Mick Zvekic and Mark Lutherburrow stood down from their positions as CSB Executive South & West. These positions have now…

Risk assessment update

The Union and the Department have met regarding the myriad of risk assessments that have flooded stations in recent years. The Union demanded from the Department a decision – it…

350 firefighters stand up for a fair go

Thanks to all the members who attended the North Sydney rally against Workchoices on November 22. Thanks to the officials, Union staff and delegates that contributed to its success. Our…

Ignore the PSCO –Union helmet stickers to stay

The Brigades’ Professional Standards and Conduct Officer (PSCO) has today written to all members regarding the Union’s new membership helmet stickers. The PSCO’s notice refers to a misunderstanding over the…

Command and Control

After more than 12 years of argument over who is the Officer in Charge when permanent members replace retained members, the Union has now managed to force the Departments hand…