
SitRep 24/2024

…has already occurred in other jurisdictions including federal firefighters such as those who work at airports for example. Members of the community can support us by visiting and send…

SITREP No. 24/2011

…Super conducts surveys about superannuation. In response, First State Super has launched a new online program to try and help members answer this question:   Jim Casey State Secretary…

SITREP No. 49/2010

…Station’s “community notice board” to support the Association’s campaign. For more information see Auditor-General goes fully sick Today the Auditor-General released his report on public sector sick leave, prompting…

SITREP No. 3/2011

…SOG and Safety Bulletin, the Department has now published the same advice in Commissioner’s Orders 2011/1. The Union’s instruction in Sitrep 43/2010 stands. US and UK comrades facing redundancies, wage…

SITREP No. 6/2011

…centres. Reproduced below are some upcoming seminars. For a full list of seminars, locations and registration details, log on to Sydney city 15 February Transitioning to Retirement 5.30 –…

SITREP 08/11

…host of government services and amalgamating councils.” For more insight into what we can expect under the Coalition come 26 March, read the full article: Managers managing in regional…

SITREP No. 33/2010

… Diagnosis on M/Cs? Some doctors object to the need to provide a diagnosis on the (in our view, entirely reasonable) grounds that it is none of your employer’s business….

SITREP 37/2011

…Union also found an article from the Government News website ( dated 3 August 2011 announcing that a company had been chosen by FRNSW to provide software that “will also…

SITREP 35/2015

…77 against. Also endorsed were the MFR Sub-Committee’s report and State Committee’s review of LF and LSO selection processes and the proposed amendments to Union policies on MFR, SCOM remuneration…