
New Web Page Launched

December 14, 2005
The Union launched a new web page at the recent Sydney AGM and, quite rightly, we’re pretty proud of its look, functionality and content.
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Unfair Dismissal, The Media & Maroubra Fire Station

December 14, 2005
I think we all understand what sells newspapers and its not necessarily ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’. A ‘shock-horror’ headline always draws us to a story and maybe just maybe there could be some factual information within.
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Union Bans Lifted

March 14, 2005
The bans imposed in today’s earlier notice are hereby lifted upon receipt of this notice (by fax from the Union to your station).
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Union Bans Effective Immediately

March 14, 2005
Today the Carr Government unilaterally removed a major component of South Sydney’s fire protection, namely the Hydraulic Platform at No.13 Station Alexandria together with a staffing component of two firefighters. According to the Department, this vital resource was removed so […]
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Union Agm To Be Held Thursday 29/11

November 1, 2001
Members are advised that, in accordance with Rule 11(3), notice is hereby given of the FBEU’s 2001 Annual General Meeting, the details of which are as follows: 10am, Thursday 29th November, 2001 Trades Hall Auditorium Goulburn Street, Sydney Notice and […]
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Union Instructions Remain In Force Until We Say Otherwise

May 3, 2001
Commissioner MacDougall has this morning issued a direction that all firefighters are “to comply with all instructions given to them by their superior officers”. We suspect the primary target of this direction to be our Union’s relieving bans. This was […]
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D&d Dispute Update #5

July 31, 1999
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Attention All Members At 36 Station Crows Nest

September 9, 1998
All FBEU members stationed at Crows Nest have now had time to consider the Station renovation proposal put to them formally on 5 August 1998 by Region North management. The affected members reject the proposal that major works commence sometime […]
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Training College Bans And Limitations Lifted

August 3, 1998
At a Union meeting at the Training College on 18 August 1998, the Union’s rank and file members resolved to “cease further training for members holding the position of Recruit Instructors” in BA Hazmat Training and Driver Development, until “satisfactory […]
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