
Backflip On Rescue?

November 27, 2008

As most members would by now be aware the NSW Government has been getting lobbied heavily by the Health Services Union over the decision to replace 8 ambulance rescue units with 9 NSWFB rescue units. The decision to hand over […]

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2008 Sopp Entitlements

November 18, 2008

Members sitting the SOPP Pre-Entry Test on Wednesday 19 November 2008 are entitled to the relevant provisions of Clause 16 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2008. Members rostered for duty on the night shift prior […]

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2008 Agm Agenda

November 18, 2008

The Union’s 98th Annual General Meeting will be held at the Trades Hall, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney commencing at 10.00am on Wednesday 17th December 2008.

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2008 Annual General Meeting

November 18, 2008

The Union’s 98th Annual General Meeting will be held at the Trades Hall, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney commencing at 10.00am on Wednesday 17th December 2008.

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Meals And Refreshments

October 24, 2008

Today’s In Orders announce the introduction of refreshment packs and fresh incident catering for fourth alarm and greater calls. The Union has been consulted throughout the development of this proposal and agrees that in all instances the provision of food is preferable to the payment of the relevant allowances. Given the change in arrangements for providing refreshments and meals and the onset of the Bushfire period where extended incidents become more prevalent, the Union thought is was timely to remind members of all of their entitlements relating to fire ground meals.

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Relieving Bans Lifted

October 20, 2008

Bans imposed at 1800 hours Friday 19 September are lifted effectively 12:30 today.

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Managerialism Gone Mad

October 16, 2008

After over thirteen years of safe and effective minimum crewing levels for every professional fire brigade throughout the State, the Department is now set to publish ‘In Order 2008/22’ on Friday October 17th. This is a single issue In Order with the sole and express purpose of undermining minimum crewing levels and shutting up to 34 brigades throughout NSW. The Union will again make it absolutely clear that no pumper in the NSW is to leave its station unless a minimum of four members is available to respond from that brigade – this includes every retained brigade in NSW.

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Touting For Business And Sims

October 14, 2008

Fresh from a roasting in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission the Department has now started rolling out a series of new hair brained schemes aimed at pushing firefighters out into new roles, new responsibilities and new work. The latest of […]

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Entitlement To Sunset Aerial Allowances

October 13, 2008

On 25 November 2005, negotiations between the Union and Department led to agreement for the six old turntable ladder, HP and rescue monitor qualification and driving allowances to be replaced by two new “Major” and “Minor” aerial qualification allowances. It […]

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Wages And Backpay

October 9, 2008

Following settlement of the Union’s wage campaign the Department has now commenced paying the new 2008 Awards’ rates of pay and allowances on and from Friday 26 September, so the increased rates should first appear in all members’ pays today, […]

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New Awards

September 25, 2008

New Awards are now in force for both Permanent and Retained firefighters throughout NSW. Both new Awards have delivered increases of 4.6%, 4% and 4%, will run for three years, and have been awarded by the New South Wales Industrial […]

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Firefighters Deserve Better

September 25, 2008

Recent comments in the national print media sledging firefighters for working more than the 40 hours required under the Award have been an unfortunate conclusion to a very bitter and acrimonious wage campaign. The comments – driven home on a […]

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