
Timesheets And Yesterday’s Stopwork

July 31, 2008

All permanent members of the Union who were on duty in the GSA yesterday and who were not exempted from industrial action should now mark your timesheets to show a one and a half hour deduction for the stop work […]

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Stop Work Protest Success

July 30, 2008

Today’s stop work meeting in Sydney at ‘The Hungry Mile’ was an enormous success with industrial action by public servants across the board making the main television news stories on all four free to air channels. The action by FBEU […]

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Communit Day Of Action

July 25, 2008

The Unions political lobby strategy has continued to roll out across the state with delegations of firefighters meeting with local Labor Party Members of Parliament throughout Sydney, Newcastle and the Illawarra over the last two weeks. Delegations of firefighters have […]

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Special Treatment

July 18, 2008

The ‘special treatment’ now being dished out to firefighters from the state government has been made even more stark after government has resolved to offer members of the NSW Ambulance Service a 12% increase over three years this week.  The […]

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Cutting Your Wages

June 28, 2008

On Wednesday evening Commissioner Mullins issued an extended and disjointed message regarding the 2008 award negotiations, which he predicted would be met with an “angry response from the Union office”. He was wrong we’re not angry, Commissioner, just disappointed. That […]

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8% + 8% + 8% Union’s New Claim

June 23, 2008

The Union has now finally put together and submitted all of its evidence for the Unions ‘Special Wage Case’. This has required an enormous effort from all concerned and has seen over 64 full ring binders and over 20 000 […]

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Relieving And Administrative Bans Lifted Today

June 18, 2008

Members are advised that following proceedings before the IRC this morning, the State Committee of Management has reconvened as resolved as follows:

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24 Hours Bans To Commence 1800hrs Today

June 17, 2008

The rapidly deteriorating relationship between the Union and the Department took yet another turn for the worse today when the employer sought and secured a time extension to submit its evidence against firefighters. As a result, your employer will now […]

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Wages Back To Square One

May 27, 2008

Cutting wages, privatising essential services and picking fights with the Trade Union movement isn’t the sort of behavior most people associate with a ‘Labour’ Government but that’s exactly what the people of NSW are now up against. The State Government […]

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2008 Sgm Results

April 28, 2008

This morning’s Special General Meeting of members held over the last six days has overwhelmingly endorsed all three motions put forward for the consideration of the Unions rank and file membership. The results of those votes are as follows:

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Medical Certificates And Medical Reports

April 22, 2008

It is now crystal clear that the Union notice of 22 January 2008 titled “About medical certificates and medical records” ruffled the Department’s feathers. That’s because the Department took the Union to the Industrial Relations Commission on 18 April 2008 […]

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Department Attacks Your Award

April 15, 2008

On Thursday April 10th the Department provided the Union with a document in response to our claim for wage parity with Australian Capital Territory firefighters. That document was amongst the most confrontational and inflammatory grabs at our wages and conditions […]

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