
New Election Timetable

April 3, 2009

Following advice from the Australian Electoral Commission received this morning – nominations for all 14 positions on the Union’s committee of management will now remain open for a further two weeks.

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Nsw Election Notice

March 27, 2009

Nominations which open on Tuesday 31st March 2009 are called for:

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Your Death And Disability Award

March 22, 2009

As many members would now be aware our Death and Disability Award officially ended yesterday – Saturday March 21st 2009. Under NSW labour law our Award stays intact until a new Award is either settled by agreement with the government, […]

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Union Elections – Your Chance To Have A Say

March 22, 2009

The Union’s triennial elections for its fourteen member State Committee of Management are set to open next week and it is vitally important that all members take their opportunity to vote. On this basis it is extremely important that members […]

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Reminder Four Hour Recalls

March 17, 2009

Reminder: Four-hour minimum Recall back pay claims This notice was published on 13 Februry 2009 and is republished in full for the benefit of members that may have missed it. As you’ll see, time is running out for the Union […]

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Station Officers Campaign

March 13, 2009

The FBEU is organising a campaign so that Station Officers can fight for their own industrial interests, and deal effectively with the demands pushed onto them by Brigade management.

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Pacific Brands Rally

March 5, 2009

Pacific Brands the parent company of CTE – suppliers of dress shirts to the NSW Fire Brigades, NSW Police Force and the Australian Army announced last week that it would be shifting its manufacturing offshore and sacking 1850 employees in […]

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Witnessing – Banned

February 22, 2009

This notice was issued as a Red Message over ten years ago, but given recent calls to the Union office, it is clear that the Union’s policy regarding members appearing as witnesses during police questioning of juvenile offenders remains just […]

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David Balfour – Comrade And Mate

February 22, 2009

On the 17th February 2009 the United Firefighters Union of Australia,  ACT Fire Brigade and the community lost a valued colleague in tragic circumstances. We should now mourn the loss of a comrade that represented his uniform and his union […]

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2009 Sopp

February 22, 2009

2009 Station Officers’ Promotional Program Recently the Union has received a number of complaints that the Department has been informing members who ask that the 2009 Station Officer Promotion Program has been delayed because of ongoing discussions with the Union […]

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Funeral Firefighter David Balfour

February 20, 2009

The recent tragic death of firefighter David Balfour whilst fighting the Victorian bushfires has deeply touched firefighters across the country. David’s death is believed to be the first death on duty of a member of the ACT Fire Brigades. His […]

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Vale Senior Firefighter Dave Balfour

February 18, 2009

The catastrophic Victorian bushfire disaster was driven home to all in the most tragic way last night when senior firefighter (qualified) David Balfour from the Gilmour brigade in the ACT was killed on the fireground.

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