
New Awards Made – Relieving Bans To Commence

September 19, 2008

New three year Awards for permanent and retained firefighters were made by the Industrial Relations Commission this afternoon. While a separate notice discussing the result and ramifications of the new awards will be issued shortly, the absence of backpay to […]

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Rescue Arrangements

September 18, 2008

The Government’s decision to disband the Ambulance Rescue Service and hand these rescue units over to the NSWFB has now been standing for over two weeks. In that time a number of very serious allegations have been publicly leveled against […]

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Wages And Politics

September 5, 2008

The Union has consciously and deliberately stayed silent on progress in regard to our current wage dispute for very good reason – and here’s why. The Union’s officials have spent the last two weeks arguing the merits of our existing […]

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When Closed Means Closed

August 28, 2008

Minister for Emergency Services Nathan Rees has recently been struggling to come to terms with what exactly his Government has in mind for the states professional fire service. The dilemma for Minister Rees arose after the Commissioner filed a document […]

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August 2008 Special General Meeting Results

August 22, 2008

With mass meetings across NSW now completed close to 1000 FBEU members have considered the progress in the Unions wages and conditions campaign. Each of the members present has heard a report on progress in the negotiations and voted overwhelmingly […]

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2008 Special General Meeting

August 21, 2008

The clock is now ticking toward the start of the Special Wage Case set down for Monday 25th August.

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Campaign Update

August 19, 2008

The campaign to get the NSW Government to remove the most offensive parts of its attack on our wages has continued to roll out across NSW. Over twenty five ALP local MP’s have now been fronted by delegations of firefighters […]

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You Be The Judge

August 14, 2008

No one has enjoyed the Department sledging the Union, playing the man and not the ball and banging on about the weakness of the Unions wage claim over the last eight months. The claim that firefighters were somehow responsible for […]

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2008 August Sgm Meeting

August 14, 2008

Inside this notice: Details of the upcoming SGM Full SGM Agenda

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2008 Sgm – Wage Cuts And Job Losses

August 12, 2008

In an outrageously provocative move the Government has now seriously escalated our wage dispute by pointing a gun at the head of the Industrial Relations Commission. In an unprecedented move the Government has said that if the IRC hands down […]

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More Mps Fall In Behind The Fbeu

August 8, 2008

With the member for Bathurst Gerard Martin now publicly backing the Union’s campaign against cuts to our wages and conditions pressure has continued to mount on local MP’s to stand up for the professional firefighters of NSW. This week delegations […]

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Movement On Wages

August 6, 2008

After months and months of negotiations, bans, court appearances, a television advertising campaign and national media coverage of our dispute, a strike and two stop-work meetings  we finally seem to be making progress in defending our conditions and wining an […]

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