
Sitrep 8/2018

March 19, 2018

Inside this issue:

Operational Support dispute resolved
2018 Election of the State Committee – update #2

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Sitrep 7/2018

March 16, 2018

2018 Election of the State Committee – update #1

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Sitrep 6/2018

March 9, 2018

Inside this issue:

Health and Fitness testing – update #10
Northern Rivers and Cyclone Debbie – update #7
Recalls and kms – update #2

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Sitrep 5/2018

March 2, 2018

Inside this issue:

SAM wrong on Stand Bys and Outduties – update #1
FRNSW identity – update #2
No show at the Easter Show?

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Sitrep 4/2018

February 23, 2018

Inside this issue:

2018 Election of State Committee of Management
Nominations now open
Recalls and kms – clarification

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Sitrep 3/2018

February 16, 2018

Inside this issue:

50/50 recruitment – update #1
2.5% wage rise today
Union membership cards – update #1
Recalls and kms
Northern Rivers and Cyclone Debbie – update #6

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Have You Changed Your Address?

February 14, 2018

All members should by now have received your 2018 Union membership card. If you haven’t then it is almost certainly because the Union does not have your current address and contact details.

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Sitrep 2/2018

February 3, 2018

Inside this issue:

Health and Fitness testing – update #9
FRNSW identity – update #1
e-Recalls initiative – update #3
Lismore-Tweed Heads transfers banned
Presumptive Legislation and World Cancer Day

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Sitrep 1/2018

January 19, 2018

Inside this issue:

Northern Rivers and Cyclone Debbie – update #5
Union membership cards
Health and Fitness testing – update #8

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Sitrep 41/2017

December 22, 2017

Inside this issue:

Health and Fitness testing – update #7
– New D&D Award made
– Fitness Drill agreed
Northern Rivers and Cyclone Debbie – update #4
SAM wrong on Stand Bys and Outduties
CAFS staffing resolved – update #1
Tamworth to go 10/14 – update #2
Union Office Christmas – New Year shutdown

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Sitrep 40/2017

December 2, 2017

Inside this issue:

e-Recalls initiative – update #2
FRNSW identity
And identity theft

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2016-17 Financial Report

November 30, 2017

The Union’s 2016-2017 Financial Report is now available by clicking here.

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