
Sitrep No. 8/2009

August 21, 2009

In this issue: Probationary employment for Retained members? Meals and Refreshments

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Sitrep No. 7/2009

August 14, 2009

Inside this issues: Is Top Cop Scipione now our boss? Carpooling – its your choice Memories of Kel Overton AFA Charges doubled

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Sitrep No. 6/2009

August 7, 2009

Inside this issue: Super delays? SAP does not determine entitlements – our Awards do Water coolers live to see another day

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Sitrep No. 5/2009

July 31, 2009

Inside this issue: When the end of it is not the end of it Part-time work Retained electronic timesheets – stage 2 Union dues deductible

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Sitrep No.4/2009

July 24, 2009

Inside this issue: Part Change of Shift – who gets the relieving allowance? Retained Working Group Support for members

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Sitrep No. 3/2009

July 17, 2009

Inside this issues: Members’ forum relaunched New State Committee of Management meets OIC and pump operations? Attending training whilst not on duty Welcome new members Comrade Max Wilson

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Sitrep No. 2/2009

July 10, 2009

Inside this issue: Code of conduct Access to qualifications Check your payslips Relieving allowance on country relief Reminder – new allowances

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Sitrep No. 1/2009

July 3, 2009

Inside this issue:

Change in leadership
Meeting with the Commissioner

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Final Results Of Union Elections

June 25, 2009

The Australian Electoral Commission’s Returning Officer has today formally declared the final result of our Union’s elections for the term 2009-2012. There were 6108 ballot papers issued and 1957 returned, 1918 being formal (31%).

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4% Increase In Wages

June 19, 2009

All Permanent and Retained members wages will now increase by 4% along with most but not all allowances. These increase will be delivered to members pay packets despite claims from the Government that public sector Unions had been negotiating a […]

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Austerity Budget

June 16, 2009

This afternoon the NSW government released its budget for the 2009/10 financial year, a budget that has been framed around a global collapse in stock markets and a massive reduction in income for our employer. The budget has projected a […]

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Members Win Improvements

June 12, 2009

Due to concerns raised by FBEU members, when a retained brigade is taken offline, all adjoining brigades will be notified by Communications Centers as and when this occurs.

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