
Command And Control

October 24, 2007

After more than 12 years of argument over who is the Officer in Charge when permanent members replace retained members, the Union has now managed to force the Departments hand to set out clear instructions when it decides it will […]

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Bushfire Danger Period Commences -all Tankers To Be Staffed 24/7

October 22, 2007

With the commencement of the 07/08 Bushfire Danger period, the Union reminds all members of the water tanker staffing agreement with the Department. This agreement (which arose from the 2000 Award negotiations) reads as follows; Acceptance by the Union of […]

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Bushfire Danger Period Commences -all Tankers Must Now Be Staffed 24/7

October 22, 2007

With the commencement of the 07/08 Bushfire Danger period, the Union reminds all members of the water tanker staffing agreement with the Department. This agreement  (which arose from the 2000 Award negotiations) reads as follows; Acceptance by the Union of […]

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2007 Annual General Meeting

October 19, 2007

The Union’s 97th Annual General Meeting will be held at the Trades Hall Auditorium, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney commencing at 10.00am on Friday 30 November.

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Sub Branch Vacancies

September 30, 2007

The Union’s State Committee is currently looking to fill two vacancies on the executive of the Country Sub Branch. The two vacant positions are likely to be filled by a vote of the fourteen member State Committee of Management and […]

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Epip And Izone

September 25, 2007

Following negotiations between the Union and the Department over improvements to the manner in which members can store, archive and retrieve Pre Incident Plan’s (PIP’s). The Union’s State Committee has endorsed a proposal that will allow members to enter PIP’s […]

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Cfbt Bans Lifted

September 25, 2007

On the 13th of October last year the Union imposed bans on members participating in Compartment Fire Behaviour Training (CFBT) after concerns were raised that the fuel used in the training may be detrimental to members health. Those bans are […]

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Apec 2007

September 4, 2007

On Saturday September 8th several thousand people from all walks of life will be meeting at the Sydney Town Hall on George Street to protest against the decisions being made at the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) meeting. The meeting […]

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Union Office Relocating

August 22, 2007

After 27 years in the same Sussex Street premises the FBEU is moving to newer larger and more useful premises at Number 1 Belmore Street Surry Hills. In order to transfer the Unions entire operations from one building to another […]

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Four Hour Payment Case

August 21, 2007

On Monday 20 August the Department and the Union returned to the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) over the four hour minimum payment for recalls adjoining rostered shifts dispute.

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Vale Sydney Sheaves

August 21, 2007

Firefighter Sydney Jeffery Sheaves passed away recently and was laid to rest today thirty seven years after he signed up to become a firefighter and an FBEU member.

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Members Survey – Tells Us What You Think.

August 3, 2007

Members who attended the July Special General Meeting in Sydney and sub branch meetings throughout the state voted overwhelmingly to support the Union’s proposal for a 6.7% wage claim backed up by a state-wide campaign. Members also voted to support […]

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