
Have You Voted Yet?

April 23, 1997

The general elections for both the NSW Branch of the United Firefighters Union of Australia (UFUA) and the NSW Fire Brigade Employees’ Union (FBEU) are currently under way. Whilst the UFUA and FBEU are technically two separate organisations, arrangements exist […]

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March On May Day ‘97

April 23, 1997

May Day is an international day of solidarity for workers all over the world. It began in Chicago in 1884, when police shot at crowds demonstrating for the 8 hour day – killing many. Each year on May Day millions […]

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Stargarden Pay Dispute – The Facts

April 11, 1997

One of the most elementary and fundamental principles of industrial relations is that employers should pay their employees correctly and on time and provide their employees with sufficient records so that employees can be satisfied that they have been paid […]

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Bans Imposed – Failure Of Stargarden

March 26, 1997

Members would be aware of the Union’s grave concerns over Stargarden, the Department’s payroll system.  This week has again highlighted the ongoing and chronic problems that continue to plague member’s pay. For this fortnight’s pay, the Department has advised the […]

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Manning Of Bronto Aerial Appliance

March 19, 1997

The following represents the agreement negotiated between the FBEU and the Department for the manning of the Bronto Aerial Ladder Platform at Wollongong.

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Appointments To Country Station Officer Positions

March 14, 1997

The State Committee of Management recently considered a situation where a Leading Firefighter member competed against a Station Officer member for a substantive appointment to a Country Station Officer’s position. The Union has always held that where an applicant holds […]

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Retained Firefighters’ Award Negotiations Update

March 12, 1997

Following the successful ratification of the Permanent Firefighters’ Consent Award on 17 February 1997, the Union has entered into formal negotiations with the Department over a new Award for Retained Firefighters.

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Interim Accommodation Protocol – Course Attendance And Relieving Outside Of Sydney, Newcastle And Wollongong

March 5, 1997

The following provisions will apply with respect to the provision of accommodation:

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Letter To Department Regarding Interim Accommodation Protocol

March 5, 1997

Re: Interim Accommodation Protocol Thankyou for your favourable response to the Union’s proposal regarding the subject, dated 28 February, 1997. In relation to the “minor variation” reserved by the Department in respect of the 48hrs notice provision, the Union appreciates […]

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Eastwood Accommodation – Bans Lifted

March 4, 1997

The Union ban on accommodation at the Eastwood Training Facility has been lifted by resolution of the Union’s State Committee of Management. The lifting of the ban, effective 0800 hrs Monday 3 March, 1997,  follows the negotiation of an interim […]

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Dept. Tax Error – Pay Period Ending 27/2/97

February 27, 1997

Despite the eagerly anticipated and (by early indications) correct payment of all retrospective wages increases to permanent members on 27th February, the Department has now managed to bungle the tax. All members should be aware that the Department’s payroll system […]

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Ban On The Removal Of M.e.v. Fby 418 From Woolgoolga Fire District

February 19, 1997

On 5 February 1997, the Union wrote to the Department in relation to the inadequate accommodation at Woolgoolga Fire Station. Today the Union was notified by members that the Department intends to move FBY 418 to Macksville.  This action has […]

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