
Inspectors’ Sub-branch Executive Casual Election Notice

August 1, 1996

Following the recent resignation of Comrade Aub Smith from the position of Operational Commander (10/14) Committeeperson on personal grounds, the State Committee of Management has directed me in accordance with the Union’s Rules to call for nominations for that position […]

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Firies Join The March On Canberra

July 31, 1996

Would you stand up to be counted to protect the 10/14 roster? Would you reject being forced onto an Enterprise Agreement or an individual contract? Could you cop losing Award protection for up to 25% of your pay? Will the […]

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State Fire Command Centre Further Bans

July 31, 1996

As a result of the Department’s continued lack of timely action in dealing with the high level of line faults being generated by the Communication Centre’s computer, all members are instructed that effective 1800 hours on 31 July 1996, personnel […]

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Letter Regrading Pay Problems For Trainers

July 30, 1996

Re: Pay problem Attached is a list of members who are employed as Senior Instructors, seconded to the Training College. The Union understands that these members have not been paid the ST & DD allowance since the implementation of the […]

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State Fire Command Centre Ban On Paging

July 30, 1996

As a result of the Department’s lack of timely action in dealing with the high level of line faults being generated by the Communication Centre’s computer, all members are instructed that effective 1800 hours on 30 July 1996, no NSWFB […]

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Late Pay Slips

July 25, 1996

Many members have contacted the Union in recent weeks in relation to late pay slips, following the introduction of the new ‘Stargarden’ pay system. Following the first ‘Stargarden’ pay run and late pay slips the Union pursued the matter with […]

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New Oh&s Regulations

July 23, 1996

Two new Regulations under the NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act 1983, have recently come into effect.  These regulations have direct bearing on two areas of concern to firefighters, namely hazardous substances and noise exposure.

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Instruction To All Members (no. 4 Stn, Darlinghurst) Low-profile Turntable Ladders

July 22, 1996

The Union has been alerted to the situation whereby on occasion, No. 4 Stn’s compliment of qualified operators for the low-profile ladders attached to the station has fallen below two.

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Tax Dispute Win

July 15, 1996

BAN’S LIFTED ON RELIEVING, OUT-DUTIES AND ACTING-UP The Union’s claim in relation to the tax dispute was agreed to in a joint meeting with the Department and Public Employment Office on Thursday 11 July 1996 at 1755 hours. After weeks […]

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Notice To All Operational Commanders, Hurstville

June 28, 1996

Members would be well aware of the complaints surrounding the amenities afforded Operational Commanders within Regional Offices. This problem was most acute in Region South, with members demanding their removal and relocation to an operational station.

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Oh&s Annual Station Inspection Forms Banned

June 27, 1996

Numerous concerns have been raised by members on the Department’s requirement to fill in its recent ‘OH&S Annual Station Inspection Form’. Accordingly the Union instructs all members to withhold completion of these forms until such time as the Department provides […]

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Inspectors’ Sub-branch Executive Casual Election Notice

June 13, 1996

The State Committee of Management has directed me in accordance with the Union’s Rules to call for further nominations for the Inspectors’ Sub-Branch Executive Committee for the term 1996-1999, given that all positions on the Executive Committee were not filled […]

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