
84 Stn Macquarie Fields On 10/14, The Facts

January 16, 1996

The bogus Retained Firefighters Federation has launched an unprecedented attack on the Union, Department and Government for the joint decision to upgrade 84 stn. to S/O and three permanent staff on the 10/14 roster.

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Union Wins Relaxation On Medical Certificates.

December 20, 1995

The Union’s continual complaints to the Department over it’s practice of issuing letters to members for alleged breaches of sick-leave “protocols” has resulted in the discontinuation of this pathetic, punitive measure.

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Christmas Wishes

December 20, 1995

To all members The FBEU State Committee of Management and Office staff wish all members and their families a very merry Xmas.

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Union Notice: Car Searches

December 15, 1995

In light of recent changes implemented at the Chullora complex, the Union issues the following directive:

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Oh&s Committee Elections

November 27, 1995

It is expected by now that all members will have received their ballot papers for the OH&S Committee elections, and that most members shall have already voted. For those members who are yet to vote, it is important that you […]

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Inspectors’ Sub-branch

November 27, 1995

Naotice is hereby given that a meeting of the Inspectors’ Sub-Branch shall be held as follows;

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“federation” Telephone Deals – Members At Risk

November 27, 1995

Permanent members have recently received information from the “Retained Firefighters Federation (inc.)” concerning a “Corporate Plan Mobile Phone Account”.

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Oh&s Committee Elections

November 15, 1995

Your Union “How To Vote” Members would be aware that following Union industrial action, agreement from the Department was finally reached to establish seven OH&S Committees, including a Central Committee.

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Rule Amendments

November 6, 1995

In accordance with Rule 47, Amendment of Rules, members are hereby notified of the following Rule amendments concerning Rule 51, Sub-Branches which were adopted by the State Committee of Management at it’s October 27 meeting. The present Rule is provided […]

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Independent Review Of Workers’ Compensation And Rehabilitation In The Brigades

August 28, 1995

Following strong representations from the Union, the Minister for Emergency Services has appointed an independent expert to review the management of workers’ compensation and rehabilitation in the NSW Fire Brigades.  The Union’s action in seeking this review was based on […]

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Training Of Fire Fighters To Occupy New Positions In Communications Centres

August 19, 1995

TRAINING OF FIRE FIGHTERS TO OCCUPY NEW POSITIONS IN COMMUNICATIONS CENTRES SYDNEY, NEWCASTLE AND WOLLONGONG. Following extensive negotiations between the Department, the members concerned and the Union on the manner in which fire fighters occupying new positions in communications centres […]

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Firies On The Cavalcade To Canberra

August 5, 1995

On Monday 19 August, Firefighters from NSW, Victoria and the ACT, together with thousands of other workers will converge on Parliament House Canberra to demonstrate to the Howard Government that their unAustralian Industrial Relations Act is unacceptable.

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