
Telephone Payments – No Agreement On “reasonable”

March 16, 2001

The Department has recently attempted to enforce its telephone usage policy, as promulgated in In Orders 2000/22, by serving some members with STD bills for their station. However, there has been no formal agreement reached with the Union on what […]

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Personal/carers Leave: The Bosses Don’t Trust Us

March 16, 2001

The Union Office has recently become aware of various memos from certain Regional Commanders concerning award provisions relating to Personal/Carers Leave. In particular, whether the Department requires members to produce a medical certificate or statutory declaration in support of such […]

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D&d Dispute Update – The Gap Narrows?

March 16, 2001

Two important meetings took place this week, the first to agree upon the latest series of costings prepared by the independent actuary and the second, which was held yesterday, to work through those agreed figures. From our perspective it now […]

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D&d Update: Labor’s Double Standards?

March 10, 2001

There were no negotiations held between the parties over the last week, save for a brief meeting between the Union and the Minister. The parties remain scheduled to report back to the IRC on Thursday 29 March, by which time […]

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D&d Dispute Not Yet Over

February 16, 2001

The Union recently became aware of a document which is currently being circulated by fax entitled “Beginning of a New Era in Superannuation: New Deal Accepted for all Super Members” dated 8th February 2001.

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Funeral For The Late Senior Firefighter Ray Watson

August 25, 2000

Funeral for the late Senior Firefighter Ray Watson The Union has conveyed our deepest sympathy on behalf of all elected officials and rank and file members to the family of our comrade of 34 years, Senior Firefighter Ray Watson, following […]

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D&d Update: The Government’s Latest Offer

August 16, 2000

Coming on top of earlier offers, each of which was put to us at the time as their bottom line, the Government presented us with a “discussion paper” on July 7. Subsequent meetings combined with correspondence received this week have […]

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D&d Update: New Benefits For Firefighters?

August 15, 2000

The Government today placed half-page ads concerning the D&D Dispute in the Sydney Morning Herald (at a cost of $20,000) and the Daily Telegraph ($10,000). Frankly we found their ad to be about as hard-hitting (and accurate) as the daily […]

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D&d Update: Scom Calls For Strike

August 11, 2000

The Union’s State Committee of Management held an urgent meeting today to consider the further direction of the long-running Death and Disability Dispute. At the conclusion of an extensive debate, punctuated by a further meeting with Government representatives this afternoon […]

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D&d Update: Gov’t Fails To Show

August 9, 2000

On 1 August 1999 our Union began a campaign of direct industrial action, including various bans and stop work action, which ultimately continued in one form or another through until the signing of a “peace agreement” with the NSW Government […]

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Decisions Of July Sgm’s

July 28, 2000

First SGM, 20 July 2000 (1) Adoption or Rejection of Award Clause 14 re “Special Duties” positions

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Special Duties Sgm Information

July 14, 2000

On July 7 members were advised of a Special General Meeting to be held this coming Thursday, July 20 on the single issue of Special Duties. This SGM will effectively decide whether or not the Special Duties concept (where the […]

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