
Update Of Rural Fire Service

January 9, 1998

Lately, the public could be forgiven for thinking that there was only one Fire Service in this state (who do that other lot work for, and what was the name of that other Commissioner again?). The silence from Prudential Tower […]

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Firefighters Slam Tink’s “get Tough” Proposal

January 7, 1998

The Fire Brigade Employees Union today slammed the State Opposition proposal to stiffen penalties for people who attack firefighters as a cheap political stunt which will be bitterly opposed by NSW Firefighters.

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260 Rescue – Minimum Staffing

January 5, 1998

Several members have recently questioned the minimum qualified staffing required for 260’s Fire Rescue (Salvage) appliance. In 1996, the Union’s State Secretary responded to a member’s query by stating that: “The minimum is for 2 registered (SRB) operators as required […]

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Travelling / Meal Allowance Increases

December 23, 1997

The annual review of the meal, travelling and related allowances in the NSW Public Service Travelling Compensation Award, has resulted in an increase to the following rates in the Firefighter’s Awards:

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An Open Letter To All Leading Firefighter Fbeu Members

December 16, 1997

Dear Comrades, Re: Station Officers’ (Post) Promotion List You are likely now aware that the Union’s AGM held December 5 carried the following resolution:

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An Open Letter To Fbeu Members In Sutherland Electorate

December 16, 1997

Dear Comrade, I am writing on behalf of the FBEU to ask that you seriously consider your future as a professional firefighter when voting in this coming Saturday’s by-election. Since its election in March 1995, the Carr Labor Government has […]

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Usar And The Nswfb

December 4, 1997

4th December, 1997 To Rescue/Bushfire Section & 1, 8, 15, 20, 36, 59, 63, 68, 75, 84, 86, 260, 503 Stns Dear Comrades, RE: USAR & THE NSWFB I have recently become aware that some members have been led to […]

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1997 Annual General Meeting Agenda

December 1, 1997

Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street, Sydney 1000 hours, Friday 5th December, 1997

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Dispute Victory – Bans Lifted

November 26, 1997

Due to the united industrial action of permanent and retained members over the last month, the Department today accepted the Union’s terms for settlement.

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General Strike Looms

November 22, 1997

This dispute is NOT about one member, it is about principles which affect ALL members: job-security, fitness testing, off-duty injury & superannuation. It DOES affect both permanent and retained members. The Dept., through the BMO, continues to refuse to return […]

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Dispute Worsens – Bans Escalate

November 21, 1997

The Union’s State Committee of Management met today to consider the current dispute, resulting in a unanimous decision to escalate the Union’s industrial action. A notice will follow separately in order to provide further information for members. However, the Commissioner’s […]

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Dept. Stonewalls – Bans Escalate

November 14, 1997

The Department continues to refuse to negotiate with the Union in relation to the current dispute, despite bans and limitations being imposed at 1800 hours on 7 November 1997.  The Union’s numerous attempts to avoid this dispute are documented below.

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