Usar And The Nswfb
December 4, 19974th December, 1997 To Rescue/Bushfire Section & 1, 8, 15, 20, 36, 59, 63, 68, 75, 84, 86, 260, 503 Stns Dear Comrades, RE: USAR & THE NSWFB I have recently become aware that some members have been led to […]
1997 Annual General Meeting Agenda
December 1, 1997Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street, Sydney 1000 hours, Friday 5th December, 1997
Dispute Victory – Bans Lifted
November 26, 1997Due to the united industrial action of permanent and retained members over the last month, the Department today accepted the Union’s terms for settlement.
General Strike Looms
November 22, 1997This dispute is NOT about one member, it is about principles which affect ALL members: job-security, fitness testing, off-duty injury & superannuation. It DOES affect both permanent and retained members. The Dept., through the BMO, continues to refuse to return […]
Dispute Worsens – Bans Escalate
November 21, 1997The Union’s State Committee of Management met today to consider the current dispute, resulting in a unanimous decision to escalate the Union’s industrial action. A notice will follow separately in order to provide further information for members. However, the Commissioner’s […]
Dept. Stonewalls – Bans Escalate
November 14, 1997The Department continues to refuse to negotiate with the Union in relation to the current dispute, despite bans and limitations being imposed at 1800 hours on 7 November 1997. The Union’s numerous attempts to avoid this dispute are documented below.
Airport Drill 13/11/97 Banned
November 12, 1997(Stn’s 26, 35, 13, 29, 28, 10, 5, 9, 20, 1, 100, Insp. Sth – and ALL members) As part of the current Union bans and limitations in place throughout the state, all members are instructed to neither participate in, […]
Union Instruction No.13 Stn Alexandria – Minimum Staffing
November 11, 1997All members are hereby instructed that the minimum staffing for No. 13 Stn Alexandria is STATION OFFICER AND FIVE FIREFIGHTERS, PER PLATOON. If the Department cannot maintain its fleet, it is not the Union’s problem. Further, if the Union allows […]
“he’s Only A Retained Firey.”
November 10, 1997The Department is presently refusing to allow an injured retained firefighter back to work – despite a full-recovery of his workers’ compensation injury. The reason? It is alleged that the particular member is “unfit” for firefighting. The Department is telling […]
Job-security Dispute – Update
November 10, 1997The Commissioner NSWFB today issued a deliberately misleading notice under the heading “DUTY OF CARE”. Frankly, that notice is as wrong as it is offensive.
1997 Annual General Meeting
November 4, 1997Members are hereby advised that, in accordance with Rule 11(3), notice is given of the Annual General Meeting of the New South Wales Fire Brigade Employees’ Union (FBEU). The meeting details are as follows:
Skyjet Boom Failure
November 3, 1997On Monday, 20th October 1997, at approximately 1200 hours, No. 20 stn Hurstville, “C” Platoon was involved in a demonstration at Kingsgrove Public School. The demonstration was being conducted using No. 106 Skyjet. During the demonstration the boom was fully […]
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