
Medical Certificates And Medical Records

December 3, 2007

When it comes to submitting medical certificates, and to your medical records generally, members are advised as follows:

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Risk Assessment Update

November 23, 2007

The Union and the Department have met regarding the myriad of risk assessments that have flooded stations in recent years. The Union demanded from the Department a decision – it could have one risk assessment procedure and one only. The […]

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350 Firefighters Stand Up For A Fair Go

November 22, 2007

Thanks to all the members who attended the North Sydney rally against Workchoices on November 22. Thanks to the officials, Union staff and delegates that contributed to its success. Our thanks is on behalf of all working families already affected […]

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Fbeu Country Sub Branch

November 22, 2007

The two vacancies have finally been filled. In February Comrades Mick Zvekic and Mark Lutherburrow stood down from their positions as CSB Executive South & West. These positions have now been filled by the State Committee of Management by Serv […]

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November 21, 2007

On going complaints from members in regard to the standard and quality of meals on the fire ground have led to a large number of complaints to the Union. Accordingly members are reminded of the existing Award entitlements. All members […]

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Union Notice – Various Issues

November 8, 2007

Inside this notice: In Orders 2007/23 – Use of exercise equipment New insurance arrangements for First State Super members Risk Assessment worksheets banned  Reminder on voluntary health assessments Operation of relieving matrices 2007 SOPP entitlements Disclosure of personal details to […]

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Nov. 22nd Campaign Against Workchoices

November 6, 2007

The entire Australian trade union movement is currently focussed on campaigning against the Howard Government’s ‘WorkChoices’ laws and the inevitability that if a Howard Government is returned firefighters in NSW will be railroaded into the ‘WorkChoices’ regime. November 22nd is […]

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Pre Incident Plans

November 2, 2007

Members are advised that the concept of a simple electronic Pre-incident Plan reporting system that doesn’t change the extent or type of involved workload has been agreed to but are reminded that no other alteration or expansion involving pre-incident planning […]

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Use Of Exercise Equipment

November 1, 2007

Last Friday’s In Orders 2007/23 contained a policy item headed “Exercise Equipment” and which replaced the previous policy of the same name in In Orders 1999/5. On first blush (there was no consultation whatsoever with the Union prior to publication), […]

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Staffing Broken Hill

October 25, 2007

Composite Appliance at 239 Station Broken Hill South To be Staffed in Accordance with Notice dated 22 October 2007. Members attached to 238 Station Broken Hill and 239 Broken Hill South are Instructed to ensure the composite appliance located at […]

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Xmas Pays

October 24, 2007

The Department has written to the Union informing us that due to the Xmas/New Year period falling at a critical time in the pay week cycle this year it is unable to process casual overtime and relieving allowances for permanent […]

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Putting The Liberals Last

October 24, 2007

An article appeared on the front page of today’s Australian newspaper headed “Fireys’ union axes ALP, backs Greens” which opened with the line ‘THE firefighters’ union has broken ranks with Labor, urging voters to support the Greens and declaring the […]

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