
Union Elections 2006 – 2009

April 12, 2006

Next week, ballot papers will arrive in every member’s letterbox enabling you to determine your Union representatives for the term 2006-2009.

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General Update March 2006

March 31, 2006

Inside this notice: Superannuation update #1 – SASS members land salary sacrifice windfall Superannuation update #2 – Salary sacrifice limits lifted Superannuation update #3 – 2006 D&D award lodged today Superannuation update #4 – UnionsNSW to campaign for 15% employer […]

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Retained Members’ 4% Wage Increase

March 31, 2006

The latest Award payrise for retained members of 4% takes effect tomorrow, 1 April 2006. This is the next instalment of the 17% (cumulative) wage increases secured by the Union through new Awards for both permanent and retained members since […]

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Operational Use Of Aerial Pumper Fby112

March 20, 2006

On 23rd January and again on 1st February the Union banned the use of the SEV aerial appliance FBY 112 because of safety issues raised by our members who were expected to respond in this vehicle to emergency incidents.

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Union Wins Fl4 Payrises (again!)

March 17, 2006

Relieving bans lifted at 1800 hours today After almost 48 hours of statewide relieving bans and 12 hours of conciliation in the Industrial Relations Commission, terms for the settlement of our PSTP (Stage 1) dispute were finally agreed late this […]

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Ignore The Commissioner

March 16, 2006

The Commissioner this morning has requested all relieving staff to ignore the Union’s bans imposed yesterday afternoon over the shafting of FL4 members. Not content to renege on a deal agreed to months ago, he now wants to undermine your […]

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Fl4 Members Shafted – Bans To Commence

March 15, 2006

When In Orders 2006/5 appeared on 3 March 2006 without mentioning the promotion of the FL4’s to Qualified Firefighter, as per our PSTP (Stage 1) agreement, alarm bells rang for the Union’s officials.

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15% Superannuation Claim

March 10, 2006

The Union will be writing to Unions NSW to convene a meeting of all state public sector unions to initiate a campaign for the State Government to make 15% employer contributions for all members currently receiving only the 9% SGL […]

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Year Zero Industrial Relations

March 10, 2006

The Howard Government’s Finance Minister, Senator Nick Minchin has begged forgiveness from an extreme right wing big business group because the Liberals industrial relations changes don’t go anywhere near far enough.

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Union Elections

March 10, 2006

Nominations for the Union’s triennial elections will open on 14 March. A copy of the election notice is attached.

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Holsworthy Asbestos Contamination

March 9, 2006

Since the Union’s notice last Thursday regarding the asbestos contamination at Holsworthy, the Department has revealed a number of very disturbing facts. Yesterday morning the Department notified the Union that it had known that the site was contaminated since September […]

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Protest Against Howard’s Ir Changes Today

March 2, 2006

John Howard will be attending a Liberal Party fundraiser ($10,000 a ticket) in Sydney this Thursday evening to coincide with his 10th anniversary as PM. To mark the occasion and to remind the PM and his backers about the devastation […]

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