
Sitrep No. 35/2010

September 2, 2010

Inside this issue:

Country Inspector vacancies dispute update – bans lifted
Recruit training win update
Diversity – and Unity – in the NSWFB

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Code Red – Inspector Relieving Bans To Commence 1800hrs

September 1, 2010

Further to the two Code Red notices issued Friday 20 August and Tuesday 24 August, when the Union accepted the IRC’s recommendation and lifted its administrative bans, today’s In Orders confirm that the Department has chosen to ignore the IRC’s recommendation to “take immediate action to withdraw the advertisements (with respect to the Wagga Wagga and Dubbo Inspector vacancies) as found in In Orders 2010/18 dated 20 August, 2010”.

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Sitrep No. 34/2010

August 27, 2010

Inside this issue:

Permanent members maintaining minimum staffing at retained stations
Joint Drug and Alcohol Protocol still in place
Retained Community First Responder claim
In Orders moved to Wednesday – why?

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Code Red – Country Inspector Bans Lifted

August 25, 2010

As reported in last Friday’s Code Red, the Union listed a dispute with the IRC over the Department’s intention to allow Station Officers who have not completed the Inspectors Promotional Program (IPP) to fill Duty Commander positions in clear breach of both Clauses 7 and 13 of the Award. The dispute was heard by the IRC’s Commissioner Ritchie yesterday, 24 August.

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Code Red – Country Inspector Vacancies Dispute

August 20, 2010

The Union made its objection to the publication of these items clear enough, but the Department decided to publish today regardless. The Union this afternoon listed the dispute with the IRC. The Union’s State Executive and SOSB Secretary also met this afternoon and resolved to commence appropriate industrial action.

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Sitrep No. 33/2010

August 20, 2010

Inside this issue:

Tomorrow Australia votes. Even the bookies are finding it to difficult to call
Diagnosis on M/Cs?
FBEU Centernary March, AGM, and Function

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Sitrep No. 32/2010

August 13, 2010

Inside this issue:

New Workplace Complaints Policy
LSV staffing changes imminent
UFUA media

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Sitrep No. 31/2010

August 6, 2010

Inside this issue:

Bushfire Royal Commission
Transfer lists
Out of orders

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Sitrep No. 30/2010

July 30, 2010

Inside this issue:

Meal and travel allowances increased from 1 July 2010
Community safety activities

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Sitrep No. 29/2010

July 23, 2010

Inside this issue:

Learning and Development restructure update
Qualification allowances paid week in, week out
National paid parental leave from 1 January 2011
Four hour backpay win
Part-time work and part-time dues

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Sitrep No. 28/2010

July 16, 2010

Inside this issue:

Don’t get burnt by Payroll – Check your payslips!

6000 UK firefighters threatened with sack – by blog

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Sitrep No. 27/2010

July 9, 2010

Inside this issue:

New fax arrangements for medical certificates
NEIINM Forms online
Job share arrangements on trial
Women’s employment and development action plan forum

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